Interview Questions and Answer
a. Solve the problem of type safety
b. Reuse the code
c. Increase the performance
d. All the above
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a. A. Ordered collections
b. B. Indexed collections
c. C. Keyed collections
d. D. All the above
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a. Create a Dictionary object and populate it and enumerate it to display key value pairs.
b. Create collections object and populate them with values and create adictinary object.
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above
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a. Retrieving the data in arraylist is faster than retrieving the data in hashtable
b. Array list is a collection of objects and hashtable is a collection that takes key and corresponding values.
c. ArrayList Class implements the Icollection Interface where as Hashtable implemets the Idictinary Interface
d. All the above
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a. Add contextual information to type parameters
b. To limit the range of types
c. Add information about type arguments
d. All the above
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a. System.Generic.Collections
b. System.Collections.Generic
c. System.Collections
d. All the above
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a. Use GenericSerialize attribute
b. Use Serialize attribute
c. Use Obsolete attribute
d. None of the above
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a. Generic lists are faster than the arraylists
b. Using the generic class we can create the typesafe at runtime where as with arraylist we cannot.
c. Coding complexity with thearray list is more
d. All the above
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a. We can increase the capacity of array list
b. We can decrease the capacity of array list
c. This is used to add another array to the arraylist
d. None of the above
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a. Yes
b. No
c. Can’t say
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a. Both are not typesafe
b. Both are type safe
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a. Generic
b. Nongeneric
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above
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a. Add
b. Clear
c. GetEnumerator
d. All the above
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a. IDictionary
b. IArray
c. IEnumerable
d. None of the above
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a. IEnumerable does not have any relation with IEnumerator.
b. IEnumerator has a GetEnumerator method that returns an IEnumerable
c. IEnumerable has a GetEnumerator method that returns an IEnumerator
d. None of the above
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a. The way the items are retrieved
b. The storage structure
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
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a. Stacklist
b. Arraylist
c. Queuelist
d. Hashtable
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a. Integer index
b. Character index
c. Stack index
d. Decimal index
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a. Arraylist
b. Array table
c. Hashlist
d. Hashtable
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a. specific
b. not specific
c. depends on whether the class is public or private
d. can't say
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a. compile time
b. run time
c. can't say
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a. Value entry
b. Collections
c. DictionaryEntry
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a. System.Generic
b. System.Collection
c. System.Collection.Generic
d. None of the above
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a. Applying restrictions to the type that can be used
b. It is used for method overloading
c. It is used to define a particular type
d. None of the above
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a. Derivation constraint
b. Constructor constraint
c. Reference/Value type constraint
d. All the above
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a. It is used with a “where” reserved keyword with a colon and particular interface
b. It is used with a “where” reserved keyword with a colon and new() default constructor
c. It is used with a “where” reserved keyword with a colon and a value type
d. None of the above
Reveal Answer
a. public delegate void DelegateName(T t);
b. public delegate void DelegateName<T>(T t);
c. public delegate void DelegateName<T>(int t);
d. None of the above
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a. It is a non generic key value pair collection
b. It is a generic key value pair collection
c. It is a non generic index based collection
d. It is a generic key index based collection
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a. It is a variable size First-in-first-out
b. It is a variable size Last-in-first-out
c. It is a fixed size First-in-first-out
d. It is a fixed size Last-in-first-out
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a. It is an object
b. It is a collection of instances of same type
c. There are generic and non generic versions of it
d. All the above
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a. It is a collection that uses ListDictionary where the number of elements is unknown
b. Used for small collection
c. Can be switched to HashTable
d. All the above
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a. AddRange
b. Clear
c. Find
d. Reverse
e. All the above
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a. Supports iteration
b. Used for non-generic collection
c. It is a base class for all non-generic enumerators
d. All the above
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a. Comparer
b. Search
c. None of the above
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a. Hash code of the key
b. Hash code of the value
c. None of the above
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a. It is used to set the enumerator to the initial position
b. It is used to clear the collection
c. It is used to reset the time
d. Used for Resetting the values in the collection
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a. Collection have builtin sorting facility.
b. They provide best performance because they are indexed.
c. We have to manage memory of collections as we require.
d. Collections cannot be readonly or of fixed size.
e. We can easily iterate through the collection
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